I have not blog long time. Lot of others works. some progress few works , but nothing specials . But happy at few weeks time pressure facilitate and is time again make scale models. Before that ,Kuopio's scale models show 2015 photos. Few my works get medal.
diorama seriesbest of show
I. Mottitalkoot
scifi / fantasyIII Scale models meets comics
My brain free project... photos coming soon.
I. Mottitalkoot
scifi / fantasyIII Scale models meets comics
My brain free project... photos coming soon.
I. Panzer Grenadier
I. Panzer Grenadier
Boris Ivanov
Boris Ivanov
Boris Ivanov
Boris Ivanov
amazing brewster lot of details
amazing brewster lot of details
amazing brewster lot of details
Scratch made by
Scratch made by
Scratch made by